Dental Bridges - San Jose, CA

Bridge The Gap To Your Dream Smile

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dental bridge model

What is a dental bridge?

If you’ve lost a tooth, a dental bridge can close the gap between your teeth that are still intact with a prosthetic tooth. Aman Bhullar, DMD, and his team at The Glen Dental offer natural-looking dental bridges at their office in San Jose, California. Call the office to speak with a team member, or request an appointment online today to learn more about dental bridges and what you can do to replace missing teeth.

A bridge replaces missing teeth, helps maintain the shape of your face, and alleviates stress on your bite. It looks natural and is called a bridge because it bridges the gap between teeth where a lost tooth had been.

A prosthetic tooth is anchored to your natural teeth on both sides of the gap. It can be made from gold, alloys, porcelain, or a combination of materials, and is bonded onto adjoining teeth for support.

bridge patient outside after procedure

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Who is a suitable candidate for a dental bridge?

The success of any bridge depends on its foundation: the other teeth, gums, or bone to which it is attached. That’s one reason it’s essential to keep your existing teeth, gums, and jaw healthy and strong.

The dentists at The Glen Dental provide fixed dental bridges as well as a full range of cosmetic dental procedures to the residents of San Jose, California. The dentists and staff are committed to restoring and enhancing the beauty and health of your smile.

bridge patient enjoying function

What are the benefits of dental bridges?

Bridges are natural-looking and hide the gap caused by a missing tooth (or teeth), so they improve your smile. Bridges also promote the health of your entire mouth by preventing decay and the demineralization of the jaw bone where the tooth is missing. Also, by closing the gaps between your teeth, bridges help keep your remaining natural teeth from moving.

Cosmetic bridges consist of a framework onto which a replacement tooth is attached. The framework is held in place by dental crowns on both sides. By keeping your remaining teeth from drifting out of place, bridges also reduce the risk of future damage to neighboring teeth.

If you’re missing a tooth or teeth, call or request an appointment online to learn more about dental bridges from the team at The Glen Dental today.

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