"Dental Implants Gave Me An Instant Confidence Boost."
I grew up having perfect teeth. Everybody has always commented about how nice my teeth were and everything. I got in a little car accident that loosened the front teeth and we worked and worked and worked trying to get them to tighten back up and never really did. And then, I took a softball to the mouth in a game one day and that pretty much ended that. So, we ended up having to pull the teeth and I had dentures. I went through a couple of different rounds of dentures and they were just never comfortable. Rarely even worn because they were that uncomfortable and it affected every aspect of my life. I got to be honest. I used to be very confident and upfront and outgoing. And once all this happened, I tended to be more hidden back and I didn’t engage in conversations with people and it just really did a number on my confidence.
I got in a little car accident that loosened the front teeth and we worked and worked and worked trying to get them to tighten back up and never really did.

Dr. Bhullar:
We had the pleasure of meeting Terry after he had found us online and, on his first visit, we could see that he was suffering from a lot of challenges and his confidence and how he presented. He had a lower appliance and he was wearing a lower denture. He didn’t like having it and food was getting caught underneath it. His tongue was not comfortable having something like that and the rest in the floor of this mouth and his upper teeth that he had. He had a bridge, a long-spanned bridge on his upper teeth that wasn’t designed very well. When he would smile, we only saw a certain number of his teeth. The aesthetics of that bridge were a compromise as well as there is decay underneath the supporting teeth or part of that bridge. So he came in and he was looking for a solution.
And after I talked to Dr. Bhullar and he explained all the different things, showed me all kinds of pictures and what could happen and the benefits of it so I took a shot and did it and couldn’t be happier. Just couldn’t have been happier.
Dr. Bhullar:
We gave him a few options to consider and he wanted to really explore the All-on-X of All-on-4 solution. He was very excited about that option to consider. He asked a lot of questions and we were helping him answer and work through these concerns that he had. And it was a great result that we were able to achieve for him.
It was an instant confidence boost, I mean, right off the bat. And the odd thing is, I didn’t realize how reserved I’ve become over the years and it was gone almost overnight. I have engaged again. I enjoyed my smile. People even complimented me and said I should smile more. And I also realized that a lot of people didn’t really even notice that I hadn’t been smiling that much until I started smiling again. And they realize, “Hey.”. It was like I was a different person and I couldn’t have been more thankful. It’s just amazing.
Dr. Bhullar:
Yeah, we’ve seen a wonderful transformation in Terry from the times we met him before the procedure to the several months after that we’ve got to know him. He dresses differently now. He has got a different haircut now and a new set of glasses. So we’ve really seen him take pride in his appearance and how he carries himself. So really gives us a lot of pride in what we’re able to have a small part in his journey.
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