Dental Crowns - San Jose, CA

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What is a dental crown?

Crowns are used to cover damaged or vulnerable teeth. If you have a weak tooth that needs protecting, visit The Glen Dental in San Jose, California. As a general and cosmetic dentist, Aman Bhullar, DMD, and his team offer crowns and other dental restoration procedures to help prevent complications and prolong the life of your smile. Call the office today or request an appointment online at your convenience.

A dental crown is a permanent cover that protects the top layer of a damaged tooth. Crowns are generally made from porcelain or ceramic material, and they’re custom-designed to match the color of your other teeth.

Crowns are also placed on top of dental implants to provide structure and function to an artificial tooth.

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crown patient discussing procedure

What problems can dental crowns fix?

Crowns can address some of the same dental concerns as veneers, but they’re used more for problems that have to do with the structure, safety, and function of your teeth. Veneers, in contrast, usually address more cosmetic-related concerns. Crowns can help:

Crowns are also used to cover an area of an exposed tooth after a root canal procedure.

bhullar in procedure for implant crown

What happens during a dental crown procedure?

Dr. Bhullar, Dr. Henne, and Dr. Kriegstein can determine whether or not you need a crown. Some patients may need to schedule a series of dental visits if they’re getting a crown along with veneers or a bridge.

Before the crown is placed, our dentists use a small hand tool to shape your tooth so the crown can fit easily over it. After this, he takes impressions of your tooth and often places a temporary crown until your permanent crown is made. At your next appointment, he places and cements the permanent crown over your tooth.

While you might experience minor discomfort or tenderness in the affected tooth, this is usually manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Dr. Bhullar, Dr. Henne, and Dr. Kriegstein

To maintain your new crown, practice good oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing.

What can I expect after getting a dental crown?

Some patients mistakenly believe that getting a crown means a tooth is completely protected from any further damage. However, a crown is still vulnerable to damage in the same way that a natural tooth can be cracked or chipped.

To maintain your new crown, practice good oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing. Also, avoid chewing ice, as the temperature change can cause a fracture to the porcelain.

Dr. Bhullar, Dr. Henne, and Dr. Kriegstein at The Glen Dental proudly provide crowns for their patients in San Jose, California. So if you need a crown, don’t delay — you can request an appointment online or call the office to speak with a team member directly.

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